Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Older Nadine Book II

This is an older version of Nadine, an encompasses the later stages of her life during the story. She is pot smoker, just like Lidier.

Blanci Of Book II

Blanci used to belong to a Mafia family. Adopted as baby by an Italian father, he allowed her to keep her Spanish name, as a momento to her parents, whom he tells her died in an accident. But in fact were assassinated during the Mafia wars.

Her favorite character is Cinderella, and emphathizes with her circumstances, however doesn't quite understand the riches portion of the plot. She runs away from her family home, when it became apparent her step father thought of her as nothing but a "Tea Maid", while he stares out into the night in his window, largely ignoring her presence.

This is an illustration of Blanci when she was 22-23, near the end of the book. Note that this is prior to Cyborg mode. And yes, you can be so poor, you have to wear wooden shoes.

Prototype Cover art,

This is a prototype book cover I'm considering, but I'm not entirely sure yet. Especially given that I might be switching titles soon.

What Is Nihoncaise? And Nihoncanglish?

This is the basic grammar structure of Nihoncais, a progenitor language that combines French and Japanese. It later went on to influence American English between 2019 to 2107 over the course of the series. How much is something I'm still determining.

You can find more information here, as I develop it: http://cybercult.org/~sarah/eastasianromance.html

Welcome To Learning Nihoncais

Nihoncais, or East Asian Romance language families, spawned out of an American Pidgin of the French language, after the United State has lost its premier status as a world power. After the United States won their independance from France, keeping many aspects of Frence culture, Japan once again became a world power. Japan began a process of introducing more Japanese vocabulary, which almost overtook French. This became the American EAR language family, with English holding a similar status French did during American world supremacy. Currently, American EAR has 30% Japanese Vabulary and 60% French.
Below are the current pronouns in American EAR.


    Je        |            I
    Vous      |   Formal You
    Tu        | Informal You
    Il        |           He
    Elle      |          She
    Nous      |       We/Our
    Ils       |        He/It
    Elles     |       She/It
    Nousils   | Male   We/It
    Nouselles | Femi   We/It


Addressing You

    Je suis               -- I am.
    Je voudrais / je veux -- I want.
    Je vais               -- I go.
    J'ai                  -- I have.
    Je pense              -- I think.

Nombres 1-79

All numbers after Vingt (twenty) follow the same pattern until Soixante-Neuf (79).
    Une    | Onze     | Vingt Et Un  | Trente Et Un  | Quarante Et Un   | Ciquante Et Un  | Soixante Et Un
    Deux   | Douze    | Vingt-Deux   | Trente-Deux   | Quarante-Deux    | Ciquante-Deux   | Soixante-Deux
    Treiz  | Treize   | Vingt-Trois  | Trente-Trois  | Quarante-Trois   | Ciquante-Trois  | Soixante-Trois
    Quatre | Quatorze | Vingt-Quatre | Trente-Quatre | Quarante-Quatre  | Ciquante-Quatre | Soixante-Quatre
    Cinq   | Quinze   | Vingt-Cinq   | Trente-Cinq   | Quarante-Cinq    | Ciquante-Cinq   | Soixante-Cinq
    Six    | Seize    | Vingt-Six    | Trente-Six    | Quarante-Six     | Ciquante-Six    | Soixante-Six
    Sept   | Dix-Sept | Vingt-Sept   | Trente-Sept   | Quarante-Sept    | Ciquante-Sept   | Soixante-Sept
    Huit   | Dix-Huit | Vingt-Huit   | Trente-Huit   | Quarante-Huit    | Ciquante-Huit   | Soixante-Huit
    Neuf   | Dix-Neuf | Vingt-Neuf   | Trente-Neuf   | Quarante-Neuf    | Ciquante-Neuf   | Soixante-Neuf
    Dix    | Vingt    | Trente       | Quarante      | Ciquante         | Soixante        | 


    Janvier   -- Janbie
    Fevrier   -- Feba
    Mars      -- Kasei
    Avril     -- Avuriru
    Mai       -- Mai
    Juin      -- Juin
    Juillet   -- Jurietto
    Aout      -- A
    Septembre -- Seputenbure
    Octobre   -- Okutobure
    Novembre  -- Shosetsu
    Decembre  -- Wakareru


This will be various French and Japanese language pairs.

Genre Specific

Tranche De Vie -- French for slice of life. In EAR parlance, translates to Slice Of Life in totality. Iyashikei -- Japanese for slice of life. In EAR parlance, translates to Slice Of Life in subtlety.


Merci -- Thanks. Non -- No Oui -- Yes Non, Merci; Merci -- No thanks. Oui, Merci -- Yes, thank you. Konnichi Wa -- Hello, hi! Kon'nichiwa, anata yori. -- Hello, thank you. Bonjour -- Good morning. Bonsoir -- Good night.

Language Difficulties

Phrases to use for asking whether one speaks a certain language. For languages outside Nihongo or Francaise, replace with language you're asking about.
    Parlez-vous Anglaise? -- Do you speak English? (From a French speaker.)
    Nihongo hanasemasu ka? -- Do you speak Japanese? (From a Japanese speaker.)
    Parlez-vous Francaise? -- Do you speak French? (From a French speaker.)
    Francaise hanasemasu ka? -- Do you speak French? (From a Japanese speaker.)
    Parlez-vous Nihongo? -- Do you speak Japanese? (From a French speaker.)
    Anglaise hanasemasu ka? -- Do you speak English? (From an EAR Speaker.)

Individual Words

    Desho - Right!

Sea Based Words

    La bateau                 = Boat
    Le vent                   = Wind
    La umi                    = Sea
    La maree                  = Tide
    La baleine / Les Baleines = Whale/Whales
    La rive                   = Shore
    La tempura                = Fish, cooked
    L'éclipse                 = The eclipse

Old fictional portrait I drew, not any particular character.

Guillotined Girl

I'm still working on my ability to draw, my preference is to draw in charcoal, and colorize in water color. This was originally going to be Anna-Marie, but I ended up decided this one was a different girl in a different story.

Annabelle, Ami fille de Raphael

Annabelle is a girl from the story Raphael, my two loves. Publicly beheaded by ax, she later forms the prototype of what would later become my artificial intellegence characters. This isn't quite a Moe style, and suppose to have a different kind of cuteness, but that wasn't entirely achieved.

This is sketched in charcoal and water color.